Monday, 1 April 2019

City of Dallas begins countdown to Census Day 2020

City of Dallas begins countdown to Census Day 2020

 April 1, 2019 marks 365 days from Census 2020 and the City of Dallas wants to ensure everyone is counted. 

The federal government distributes over $675 billion per year based on census data. Texas receives over $43 billion per year, about $1,578 per Texan. Every person counted has direct impact on planning for schools, transportation, health programs and other community needs.  

“Participating in the Census 2020 count is one of the most important opportunities for Dallas residents,” said Mayor Mike Rawlings. “Our schools depend on it, our roads and streets depend on it, and our communities depend on it. Over the next year, our Complete Count Committee will be embarking on a robust effort to raise awareness about the Census. There will be a heightened focus to ensure that children and those in our immigrant communities are counted. Help us by getting involved.” 

2020 is the first time that you will be able to respond online or on the phone. You can also respond by paper. The questionnaire will also be offered in 12 languages, in addition to English. 

 The census is safe and easy to complete. Your answers are protected by Title 13, and cannot be shared with any outside agency or entity, including ICE, law enforcement, IRS, apartment managers, etc. 

 How to get involved : 

  • Make your pledge to participate in Census 2020 by posting to social media: I COUNT, YOU COUNT, WE ALL COUNT #DallasCounts2020 
  • Help us spread the word in your community about Census 2020! For more information email  

The post City of Dallas begins countdown to Census Day 2020 appeared first on Dallas City News.


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