Thursday, 4 January 2018

Dallas invites resident comments

Dallas invites resident comments

The City of Dallas has implemented several initiatives to ensure the organization is providing exceptional service to the residents, businesses and communities of Dallas. In doing so, the City recognized the need for a way to consistently receive customer feedback. The City of Dallas is inviting residents to participate in community engagement events, providing them with an opportunity to inform City leaders on how they wish their tax dollars to be spent.

Staff from the Office of Budget, the Resiliency Office, Fair Housing and Community Development will offer several ways for citizens to voice their opinions. Fair Housing and Community Development will host community town halls to invite public comment January 4, 2018 through February 24, 2018.  Comments received from these groups will be used to inform budget recommendations for the FY 2018-19 Consolidated Plan Budget.

The City of Dallas Citizen Survey monitors residents’ perception of services received in a variety of areas. The survey, a collaborative effort between the City of Dallas and ETC Institute, is standardized to assure high quality survey methods and comparable results to other jurisdictions nationwide. A random sampling of households from each council district will be selected to participate in this scientifically-valid survey. The 2018 Community Survey will be distributed to households later this month.

Additionally, all residents of Dallas will have the opportunity to participate in the Fiscal Year 2018-19 Budget Survey later this year. The Budget Survey, available online, asks residents where money should be added or subtracted based on their preferences. Residents will identify the most important street and transportation and code-related issues which need the City’s attention during the budget development process.

Finally, town hall meetings will be held this spring to allow residents to express their needs and lobby for improvements before the City’s budget is developed. A schedule of upcoming town halls is posted here.

The post Dallas invites resident comments appeared first on Dallas City News.


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